Monday, December 30, 2019

ASME Convenes Open Research Forum on Digital Manufacturing

ASME Convenes Open Research Forum on Digital Manufacturing ASME Convenes Open Research Forum on Digital Manufacturing ASME Convenes Open Research Forum on Digital ManufacturingThe 94,000 square-foot Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute opened its doors at UI Labs in Chicago last month.On June 3, ASME conducted a virtual workshop, the Open Research Forum Workshop on Digital Manufacturing Challenges and Opportunities from the Perspective of the Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute (DMDII). Thirty-two advanced manufacturing experts from academia, government and industry participated in the online forum, which focused on how ASME could support the institute in developing digital technologies for U.S. factories.The DMDII, recently launched at the Chicago-based UI Labs, is a federally funded research and development organization that encourages factories across America to deploy digital manufacturing and plan technologies in order to become more efficient and cost-competitive. In a recent brochure, the institute outlined a summary of the needs and challenges in this area. Among the most pressing issues, according to the institute, was the need to advance the digital thread that integrates and drives modern konzept, manufacturing and product support processes can be exploited to reduce cycle time and achieve first pass success, and is the only feasible way to deal with constantly increasing complexity in products and manufacturing enterprises. The DMDII will be focused on maturing the digital thread for applications in manufacturing and design of electros include power train, propulsion and structural components, as well as control subsystems and systems. The Open Research Forums program concentrated on how ASME could best assist as DMDII manufacturers try to integrate 3D product design information with manufacturing, product usage and end-of-use processes to create the digital thread. George Barnych, director of research and devel opment at DMDII, presented an overview of the institutes activities, which was followed by a facilitated discussion led by ASME member Marriner Merrill of the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. During the discussion, participants were asked to identify relevant challenges and to identify solutions in the digital thread area that could be effectively addressed by the interdisciplinary knowledge and expertise of mechanical engineers and scientists. The forum further explored how ASME could contribute to advancing these digital thread-related technologies to the global engineering community via research, education, knowledge dissemination, and the development of new codes and standards and guidelines. Participants discussed ways that ASME can help move digital manufacturing forward. Some of the ideas included developing workshops and industrial competitions developing a marketing campaign to help create a positive image for young people to pursue a manufacturing career increasing commun ication by convening groups with related interests and publishing articles or organizing sessions to inform small- and medium-sized businesses of the tools currently available in digital manufacturing. For more information on the Digital Manufacturing Challenges and Opportunities from the Perspective of the Digital Manufacturing and Design Innovation Institute workshop, visit http//

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Are Credit Checks on Job Seekers Really Necessary

Are Credit Checks on Job Seekers Really NecessaryAre Credit Checks on Job Seekers Really Necessary?Are Credit Checks on Job Seekers Really NecessaryFinding a job is tough enough today. Unfortunately, some employers make it even tougher by asking to look at your credit history. As if that should make a difference when youre applying for a job in, say, teaching or nursing, or if you want to oversee computer networks or umm even write for a web site.Certainly, checking your credit is justifiable if the job is in accounting or finance, or in the financial services industry. Companies, after all, dont want people with financial problems watching over their assets. But is it really necessary to base a hiring decision on how much credit card debt the job applicants have, or whether they were late with a mortgage payment, or fell behind on medical payments because they had no health insurance - since they have no jobs?Some employers will argue that running a credit check gives them an idea of the candidates honesty and sense of responsibility. Really?? They could find out that and even more by calling references and doing a web search. Or is that just too hard and time-consuming?

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Managing Career Expectations in the Internet Economy

Managing Career Expectations in the Internet EconomyManaging Career Expectations in the Internet EconomyYoure overworked and underpaid. Your boss is a source of constant aggravation. The headhunters are at the door. Get a new job. Everybody is doing it. Things are much better elsewhere. Just before you jump, consider a few things How long have you been at this job? Less than a year?Was your previous job a similarly short stint?Why are you are leaving? What are you are looking for?In the Internet economys unprecedented wealth and job creation, the next great opportunity is always around the corner. mora money more options a better title. So why is getting hired in this sector easier by the day while keeping a job is increasingly challenging?One reason is the greater business awareness of young knowledge workers, resulting in heightened, sometimes unrealistic, expectations. Its a candidates market and everyone knows what theyre worth (or at least what they can get). New compani es are popping up like weeds as every freshly minted MBA seems to come with a dot-com b-plan in tow. Opportunities abound.So whats the problem? Its a matter of what is important. Careers are not just about more money, more options, or moving into management. Success measured by those metrics is missing the point. More job failures are associated with bad cultural/personality fits than with low pay, long hours, and limited advancement combined. So here are some tips on how to find the right fit1) Ask yourself the important questions What did you accomplish? Where did you bring value? What experience did you gain? Why did the company succeed or fail? What did you like and not like? then pick the situation best suited to your interests and capabilities.2) Check your ego at the door. Companies succeed when the President makes the coffee and the secretary thinks like an owner.3) Focus on a 3-year commitment. It might turn out to be less, but if 3 years sounds scary, its prob ably not the right thing.4) Temper your ambition with reality. Two years of work experience does not often make for a savvy veteran capable of building and running a department, even in the Internet sector. 5) Dont develop a situational ethic. Just because theres a better job every few months doesnt mean you should take it. Loyalty will pay-off when the market tightens-up.And finally, the most accurate statement I have ever heard in this business do your job well, and either your company will reward you or your industry will.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Using Social Media to Find an Online Job

Using Social Media to Find an Online JobUsing Social Media to Find an Online JobIn your job search, have you considered using social media networks to find an online job and get the word out that you are looking for an online opportunity?Take it from successful marketers, who will tell you that the key to getting attention in this very competitive world is to get yourself out there and involved with as many social media networks as possible. The major social media networks are Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Myspace. There are many other social and professional networks you can join for free to let others know you are looking for a telecommuting job.The truth about trying to find an online job is that sometimes its a matter of being in the right place at the right time. Oftentimes, this means knowing someone who knows of a company thats hiring, or some other opportunity posted on a site like . If you want to increase the chances of finding that perfect telecommuting job, then you nee d to be actively involved with these social media networks and communities.Youve already taken the first step by being a part of the terrific community here and setting up a personal profile at . However, you may want to be open to letting your other social media networks know more about you on a professional level, to increase the chances that you will land the perfect online job for you.Be sure to find out more about how to use social media networks to find a great new online job by signing up for our FREE in-depth live webinar on Wednesday, May 6th at Noon EST.Job Search 2.0 Using Social Media to Find an Online JobLearn how to use social media tools to assist in your job search. This free 60-minute live webinar will cover the following topicsIntro to social mediaPersonal blogsUsing Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter to maximize your searchJob skills 101

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

How to Self-Publish Childrens Books or eBooks

How to Self-Publish Childrens Books or eBooksHow to Self-Publish Childrens Books or eBooksHave you thought about self-publishing a childrens book or childrens e-book or app? If so, learn from this QA with Nicole and Damir Fonovich, the co-creators of Luca Lashes, a line of multilingual childrens e-books and apps, who decided to forego contacting any agents or publishers and, instead, launched the entire series themselves. Self-Publishing A Childrens Book A Business Decision Nicole and Damir, you didnt even attempt to find a traditional publisher for Luca Lashes series. What made you decide to go the full-on self-publishing route?We came to the decision to self-publish when we researched what other authors were saying, and learned what the common practices are in the traditional world of publishing. It seemed that in childrens publishing, its very uncommon for a publishing company to work with a writer who doesnt have an agent, or who havent published previously. We were also hea ring that publishers frequently rely on their authors to do fruchtwein of their marketing, and we knew that whatever royalties we made- minus the agents percentage- wouldnt add up to the profits we could potentially make by doing it urselves.It just didnt seem like the right business decision to wait years to get noticed by a publisher and then run the risk of not being able to make any discernible income. Given the marketplace shift to digital content, we decided to forego contacting any agents or publishers and to do it all urselves. Knowledge of the Childrens Book Market from Teaching and Bookstores Childrens books coming onto the market are vetted heavily by gatekeepers such as educators and childrens librarians, as well as childrens book editors. What made you feel you were qualified to publish your own childrens books and apps into that demanding marketplace?We embarked on the project of publishing Luca Lashes with 17 years of experience in education, in both teaching and administration, which gave us a lot of insight into what we were doing. Damir had had some experience working in bookstores, and so we came to the project with a good knowledge of what was typically in the kids section - we knew there was a limited amount of books in different languages available. Were also committed book-buyers ourselvesand wanted our son to inherit the love of books.Anyway, with all the exposure to kids book marketplace, we knew there was a demand for the content of our series, which is specifically designed to help young children turn fear of firsts into fun. Things like fear of the first dentist visit are something so many parents encounter with their children, and there was less on the kids shelf than youd think. Were also fortunate to have a facility with multiple languages and knowledge of a number of global cultures. Knowing that childhood development stages are pretty universal, we figured we could find a niche for our creative content in the digital glo bal marketplace.So how long did it take you to develop the series?It took a year for our team to write, edit, and translate nine books and apps, and to beta test seven of them. There are two more coming. Sales Statistics Give Insights to Distributors and Markets Your ebooks are being sold through the big retail booksellers -, Barnes Noble, etc. How are you distributing the Luca Lashes apps? What sales trends are you seeing?iTunes most visible gold voreingestellt for apps and initially we saw more traction for apps there, but has also done well. Since Luca Lashes are currently digital-only, sales are generally higher in more technologically developed countries- like France. And some of the trends are interesting - one surprising statistic is that our haircut story in Spanish outperforms the English language version. And we know that a good number of our 25,0000 Facebook likes come from Spanish-speaking countries. How to Market Your Books How are you bringing people to your website and your series?Weve done a bit of Facebook promotion and some book PR, but weve worked really hard on our online discoverability through by giving our books appropriate metadata (which happens at the back end of the e-book coding) which helps people find them when theyre searching. Weve attended conferences and seminars to learn as much as possible about things like metadata strategy to increase the likelihood that Luca Lashes will be found when people are searching for our types of books.? Advice What would you tell those who are thinking of self-publishing a childrens book or e-book? If book quality and sales are your goals, self-publishing childrens books is a lot harder and a longer process than you might assume. That said, were really pleased with the great consumer reception for Luca Lashes. We entered the project with a lot of research and passion and hard work and dedication to finding an audience for the series. Years ago, we heard an author say his philosophy was to Do a little good, have a little fun, make a little money. Weve adopted that.?Nicole and Damir Fonovich live in the Chicago area with their son Lucas. The couple created Luca Lashes, a line of multilingual e-books and apps designed to help kids (0-4) turn fear of firsts into fun. Learn more at

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Awful Side of Resume Templates Download

The Awful Side of Resume Templates Download Career aspirants ought to take note of a resume template instead of a programs vitae template. Resumes dont need to be boring. They do not have to take so much of your time but leise should not be neglected. Job Resume lets you create your very own personal brand logo in just two or three minutes. DO guaranteed that the rest of your curriculum vitae is wholly machine-readable. CV needs to be created the way in which the recruiter wanted to purchase it. Resumes offer the all important first impressions to an employer an applicant cannot give during the first phase of the application approach. Making your resume is critical. This set will be ideal for those who are searching for a new job to be in a position to show all the needed abilities, experience and knowledge. Keep in mind this specific template is perfect for people with some or significant work experience only. Our professionally designed resume templates will not just he lp save you time, it is going to make your resume look professional by aiding you to organize all the important information that recruiters are interested in finding. If you are attempting to find work, an on-line application enables you to readily identify your abilities and experience in a way that you attract the interest of the employer. If youve got such experiences and abilities, its always important to include them in your resume format. Check to ensure youre providing all of the info required and clearly define your skill sets in regard to application requirements. Following that, you should abflug adding the resume content by means of your work experience and education background. Your resume will be broken up into sections. It supplies details that may not be found elsewhere in your resume. As soon as you have added your details and work experience, it is possible to also save your resume as PDF if you desire. So make certain to modify downloaded files to you get t o coincide with your experience accordingly. Whether its possible to modify a template easily, you simply might be able to create a superb one yourself. Consider what youre going to be putting on your resume, and select your template accordingly. The web templates are made in such a manner they make the resume stand out. The resume template can likewise be used in case you have a presentation on career related themes. A basic resume is also simpler to read. If youre a high schooler that has been accepted to a college already, you may also state your colleges name and the date you will start attending. A good resume would aid with that. The New Fuss About Resume Templates Download If you want to get a fine job, you take a good resume. It is made for personal and corporate use If your work application necessitates vision then you will need to download this completely free ultra-creative template. When youre asking for a job which relies on the strengths of the person, you require a resume template you may inject a little more personality into to make it pop. Not every resume must be minimal and straightforward, and this cool alternative is an ideal instance of the ability of bold design. As soon as you have prepared and submitted your resume to an employer the hope is you will be requested to attend work interview to go over further whether you are going to be suitable. Also make sure you tailor the document to the job youre applying for. Our resumes are well-crafted and timeless, it is easy to adjust them in accordance with your requirements and use for a long time. This minimalistic resume template can help you to receive your dream job today. Write down what skills you used, and the way they may relate to the job that you desire. There are numerous job opportunities that you are able to get in educational sector. For an entry-level job at a financial institution, cash handling skills will be required. Your transferable skills associated w ith your career goal needs to be listed in fine detail. The Fight Against Resume Templates Download If you think all behauptung tasks are likely to take a good deal of time. Double check to be certain that everything on the last version of the resume is about you. You dont have the time to do everything. Then it may be time to bring some style to your resume As soon as you add your private stamp to it through imputing your exclusive abilities, professional experiences, and wording, it is going to stand from the crowd for all of the ideal factors. Theres no doubt that a resume which is both cohesive and professional will have a much better probability of standing from the crowd even supposing its made utilizing a template. Resume s the ideal way to make the ideal impression. The ideal way to make the ideal impression.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Career Insider Story - Dr Tim Crowe, Thinking Nutrition

Career Insider Story - Dr Tim Crowe, Thinking Nutrition Dr Tim Crowe Thinking NutritionPosted August 29, 2017, by Jenny Sakr When hes notlage busy training for marathons, Dr Tim Crowe runs his own business,Thinking Nutrition, where he works chiefly asa freelance health and medical writer and scientific consultant. What is your current role and how long have you had it? After a career in academia in nutrition teaching and research, I made the step this year to running my own business. As for a job title, whatever hat is needed for the role is the one I wear. Medical and health writer, scientific consultant, media communicator, nutrition scientist and Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian all fit comfortably. How long have you been in nutrition? 18 years working across clinical dietetics, nutrition research, teaching and public health. What did you study to become a nutritionist? I undertook a Masters of Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Sydney which gave me my recognis ed qualification, but this built upon the foundation of Bachelor of Science a PhD in Medicine. What did you want to be when you were younger? I wanted to follow a career involving computers and programming. Yes, I welches one of the nerdy kids at school. What was your first job? Working in the bakery section at Coles. When did you first know you wanted to work in nutrition? Prior to my career in nutrition and dietetics, I worked as a medical research scientist and was always fascinated about the role of diet in the prevention and management of disease and its role in sports performance. This interest grew over time which led me to make the move from the world of laboratory research to return to study and follow a career path in nutrition and dietetics. Explain a typical day at Thinking Nutrition HQ At any one time Ill be working on multiple projects which include scientific reviews for clients, writing health articles for consumer publications, and preparing for upcoming workshops a nd talks to health professionals on areas from media communication right through to the latest research on disease management. Then there is the constant involvement in social media through my own channels. On top of that, there is responding to media enquiries that come through on all manner of topics from the latest fad diets to breaking nutrition research. What the most interesting thing thats happened to you throughout your career? I still remember the time I got my first phone call from a producer seeking some background information for a TV story he was putting together. Our chat then led to me being interviewed for the story and that was my foot in the door to gaining media experience and developing a profile with almost 1,000 media interviews following on from that over the years. anthroponym the best and worst parts of your job Nutrition is absolutely fascinating for me so I get to spend all my day reading, learning and putting into context the science that underpins it. Th e less enjoyable part is working in a field where someone with no qualifications can be considered an expert and develop a large social media following and influence simply because theyve lost weight eating a certain way and have read some blogs that agree with their world view. Whats the most important career tip someone has given you? Even at the early stage of your career as a student, taking the time to volunteer, attend professional development events and get to know those working in the profession is time well spent. Professional networks take time to develop and you can never departure too early. Do it because you want to do it, not because you feel you should do it. What do you wish someone had told you before starting in this career? Despite all the science and research, nutrition is about food choices and these are incredibly personal. Appreciate that there is scientific evidence and then there is how this translates to the person and the two are not always in alignment. W here do people have to start tobecome a nutritionist and what is a standard salary package? The term nutritionist is not a protected title so any one can call themselves this, but to be able to stand up publicly as a credible professional you would want to have a tertiary qualification in nutrition, food science or public health nutrition. The main role of a nutritionist is to help people achieve optimal health by providing information and advice about health and food choices. There is no standard salary because of the diversity of work areas a graduate could go into, but it would be in line with graduate level salaries for other health professions. Name a career highlight Seeing the nutrition textbook Im a co-author on in print after several years of work (titled Understanding Nutrition). And then seeing it being adopted by many nutrition courses throughout Australia, including the university where I studied as a student. Whats next for you? Youll find me still working in nutrition for many years to come, but Im moving much more into the world of health communication using my media, social media and consumer writing profiles to grow this. I want to get more health professionals involved in communicating good health and science messages to the public. Where would we find you when youre not working? Im a sadly obsessed marathon runner so fitting in running whenever possible during the week is a high priority. I also recently taught myself to juggle. There is a sport that combines both running and juggling called joggling so thats clearly my next logical step. Connect with Dr Tim Crowe on Facebookhttp// Twitterhttps// LinkedInhttps// Want to help others and offer valuable nutritional advice? Enquire about our courses in Nutrition todayNutrition ResourcesDietitian/nutritionist sample cover letterDietitian/nutritionist sample resumeInterested in becoming a?NutritionistAlli ed Health AssistantTherapy AssistantDietitianNutrition AdvisorPopular Career Searchesedith cowan university master of nutrition and dieteticsgovernment funded nutrition courses melbournenutrition courses brisbanenutrition courses gold coastnutrition short coursesNutrition CoursesCertificate IV in Allied Health Assistance (Nutrition and Di...Enquire ansprechbar Enquire OnlineBachelor of Health Science (Nutrition and Exercise)Enquire Online Enquire OnlineGraduate Diploma of Human NutritionEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Health ScienceEnquire Online Enquire Online Jenny SakrJenny found her way with words while interning during uni, since, shes produced articles on it all from hair and beauty to homewares, travel, career advice and study tips. On a weekend youre most likely to find her lining up for a table at the latest cafe or restaurant.Related ArticlesBrowse moreEmployment trendsEmployment winners and losersThe health and aged care and mining sectors are the two big indust ry winners when it comes to employment gains during the last year, as reported in the Sydney Morning Herald.CAREER INSPIRATIONCareer progressionHow To Future Proof Your CareerWill your job as you know it exist in a decade from now? Take steps to future proof your career now and avoid slipping into the professional complacency that will spell disaster for your future job prospects.Aged CareHealthFive life-giving careers in health careMany of us would agree with Gandhis assertion that health, not money, is the real wealth. But have you ever thought about putting yourself in the healers seat?

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

5 Signs Its Time to Hire a Professional Resume Writer

5 Signs Its Time to Hire a Professional Resume Writer5 Signs Its Time to Hire a Professional Resume Writer5 Signs Its Time to Hire a Professional Resume WriterIs it time to turn to the pros?Searching for a job is an expensive process. Commuting costs, interview outfits, dry cleaning, coffee dates, networking event fees they all add up. The last thing you want to do is spend any more money than is necessary to land your next gig.However, if youve been looking for work for a while and havent had much success, it may be time to invest in a professionally written resume. Resume writers are trained to not only help you tell your career story, but to frame the information in a way that will get past the electronic filters, known as applicant tracking systems (ATS), and catch the attention of recruiters.Here are five signs it might be time to hire a resume writer and why its worth the investment.Writing isnt your forteNot everyone is a born writer. You may be a pro when it comes coding, bu t that doesnt mean you know how to advertise your expertise in a way that will entice prospective employers. Focus on sharpening your marketable job skills. Let a professional writer figure out the best way to convey your talents on paper.You dont know what to includeWriting a professional resume can be a stressful process. How far back should your employment history go? What will recruiters care most about? Do you have to mention that job you hated, or can you remove it altogether from your work history? If you dont know where to start, consider getting some help from a pro. Its the resume writers job to know what recruiters are looking for and how to best highlight that information.You havent mastered the humblebragA great resume does more than simply list your work experience and education. It calls attention to your accomplishments and contributions that are worth bragging about. If you find it difficult to brag about your work, ask a professional to do it for you. A resume writ er will find the words to describe the value you bring to a potential employer.Your resume is getting lost in the black holeDo you apply to job after job and never hear back? If so, then your resume may be falling into the infamous job-search black hole.Most job applications must pass through a software program known as an applicant tracking system (ATS) before they make their way to the hiring manager. If your resume isnt formatted properly or optimized with the right key terms, theres a good chance it never got past these anfangsbuchstabe screens.A professional resume writer can help your application avoid the resume black hole and make it through these initial reviews to the top of the hiring managers pile.Your situation is uniquePerhaps youre interested in changing careers and are unsure how to show off your transferable skills for a new industry. Or maybe you find yourself with some substantial employments gaps or a string of short-term or unrelated gigs that are dominating you r resume. While you cant change the past, a professional resume writer can help smooth out a bumpy work history by calling attention to your strengths and downplaying any weaknesses in your career story.Hiring a professional resume writer might not be an option for everyone. But if youre applying to the right opportunities and still struggling to land interviews, it may be time to seek out an experts opinion. Investing in a professional resume may give you just the edge you need to shorten your job search and land the right job, sooner.Click on the following link for more resume-writing advice.Need help with your resume? Our TopResume professional resume writers can helpRecommended Reading10 Best Job-Search Apps to Get You HiredBad Resume Advice You Should Completely Ignore5 Things You Should Always Include on Your Resume

Friday, November 22, 2019

Mastermind groups 101 What, how, and should you join one

Mastermind groups 101 What, how, and should you join oneMastermind groups 101 What, how, and should you join oneChances are good that youve been hearing about or wondering about mastermind groups but arent quite sure if theyre for you. Its also entirely possible that you have no idea of what a Mastermind group is. Well dont worry weve got you coveredWe asked Business Efficiency Consultant Yvonne Heimann creator of The Bulletproof Business Planner for tips on everything from defining and creating a mastermind group to successfully running one.Whats a Mastermind group anyway?The focus and goal of a mastermind is to use the combined brainpower and experience of the group members to elevate, educate and help everyone, said Heimann. And unlike networking, its more of a collective experience.With peer mentoringHeimann said to think of a mastermind as a group of mentors that fill in for each others shortcomings, things we havent learned or experienced yet, allowing each member to brainsto rm, get educated, being held accountable and challenged.With a twis0, mastermind members are student and mentor at the saatkorn time and need to be willing to give just as much as they take.Choosing membersHeimann believes there should be a vigorous process to deciding whos in your group and who doesnt make the cut Mastermind applicants should go through a vetting process, just like employees, she said.Create a mission statementHeimann said every mastermind should also have a mission and vision statement, outlining the focus and goals of the group. It should also be determined what type of mastermind it is topic based (building online courses, marketing yourself), mission-based (run a 5k in 5 months), or is it a business mastermind (product-based businesses, online businesses).Measuring successUnlike traditional groups The success of a mastermind is straight up connected to its members Heimann said. Matching up members in regard to their level of expertise, revenue, and goals is the refore vital.So, deciding on the group focus will also help determine the success of each member If the focus of the group is advancing a skill, having members of the same job/business can be of great advantage Heimann said. On the other hand, A business builder mastermind most likely will have more success including members that are alike but not the same, those who can complement each other rather than competing for the same market.Size mattersMastermind groups tend to run on the small side, with 3-5 serious members most common. Heimann said Not enough members and the group will lack diversity, too many, and voices wont be heard.One pro tip from Heimann When starting a mastermind, start it with beta test round of six months. That allows everyone to test it, potentially adjust the goal and gives everyone an easy excuse to leave if things dont work out. And be sure everyone is serious. Having a commitment sheet for each meeting as well as a penalty for no-shows will allow less commi tted members to move on.You might also consider charging or schauplatz up some sort of structure fee. Heimann said, Humans tend to value and commit more to things they have to pay for, so a monthly mastermind fee might be of advantage and is the standard.The structureMasterminds have two common structures, the hot seat or equal time approach.Heimann explains In a hot seat mastermind, all the time goes to one member each meeting. This structure allows for a deep dive and plenty of time for all other members to respond and advise. This kind of layout is great for weekly masterminds. If you plan on meeting less frequently, the equal time approach might be a better fit Heimann said Splitting up the meeting time in equal parts for all members will allow everyone to take advantage without having to wait months on end for their turn.Prep sheets are a thingCreating prep-sheets keeps everyone and the meeting on track. Heimann says to create some with questions and room for milestones includi ng What to share for your short updateWhat were the results of my business goals last monthWhat were the results of my personal goals last month (if any)Other news/updates?Current projects and prioritiesWhat could I really use support on right now?What help looks like to meWhats my expectation for todays meeting? Am I looking for support or am I just giving?What have I learned recently that could be beneficial to one or all my team members?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Hold Down 3 Jobs Without Going Insane

How to Hold Down 3 Jobs Without Going Insane How to Hold Down 3 Jobs Without Going Insane Things are really chaotic in thejob market at the moment. The job-for-life is all but gone, and even the career-for-life idea is fading fast as organizations move from permanent, full-time workforces to contingent workforcescomposed of freelancers, casual staff, temps, and part-timers.For those of us who prefer the stability of traditional employment, this modern employment environment can be quite disorienting. For others, however, its a welcomedevelopment, thanks to the variety, flexibility, and freedom that come with this new model.But regardless of whether youre a willing or reluctant participant in the gig economy, you have a new employment challenge to confront In order to make enough money to support yourself, youll need to work multiple jobs. I call this the portfolio or slash career Instead of being an accountant, you now have to be a an accountant/musician/tree surgeon.The challenge is not ingettingansicht jobs. There are plenty of gigs available in the temp and freelance marketplaces. No, the challenge is in juggling two, three, or even four jobs at once without going insane.To succeed in your portfolio career, you need to be an expert multitasker. Unfortunately,very few of us are programmed for that. That means we have to take extra steps to refine our multitasking skills and manage our careers carefully.Here are four tips to help you do just that1. Create a Portfolio out of Jobs ThatSuit All Aspects of Your PersonalityIf you have three jobs thatare pretty much in the same line of work e.g., barista, waiter, cashier thentheres a real chance that your flexible portfolio career will just turn out to be one monotonous and repetitive blur.By varying your gigs andtaking upa range ofjobsthat appeal to all aspects of your personality, you can build a much more satisfying portfolio career. For example, lets say you like to be social, but you also like some alone ti me, and you like working outside when the weathersnice.Your ideal portfolio career might be barista/delivery driver/gardener.2. Look for Synergies BetweenYour GigsEven if you build a portfolio of different jobs that suit your various needs, you can still find some beneficial overlap between your seemingly disparate roles.For example, if you are a barista/delivery driver/gardener, you could subtly inform some of your regular coffee customers at the coffee shop that you are a gardener. Before you know it, your customer base will be booming. Similarly, you could sell the vegetables you grow as a gardener to the coffee shop at which you work.If you look for and exploit these cross-selling opportunities,youll spend less time doing sales and marketing and your work will be more profitable.3.Favor Flexible GigsIt will be far easier to juggle multiple gigs if each one is flexible in terms of hours. That way, youll be able to ramp up and scale back according to what makes the most sense at a ny given time.If all your gigs are rigidly structured, youll find it much harder to strike a balance and youll be unduly stressed as a result.4. Seta Yearly Earnings TargetIf you dont have an earnings target, you may end up working more than you need to and thats a great way to mess up your work/life balance. Having an annual target gives you direction and tells you when you need to crank it up and when you have time to take a breather.If you want to have a successful portfolio career, youll need to knuckle down and become a master in managing and prioritizing your time. It may not always be easy, butifyou follow the tips set out above, you should find thatjuggling multiple careers isnt so bad after all.